Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Leftovers: Boeuf L'Asiatique, Gratin, Salade

Look at Margy's photo -- can you tell we're going to Paris?

This was just leftovers night. I had chili shrimp with brown rice, and she had her Asian pot roast and the other night's potato-leek gratin. The gratin looks even better than it did the first time around -- all that browning is a thing of beauty.

A word on salad dressing. We tend to favor oil and vinegar, but to me balsamic or red wine vinegar doesn't work so well next to Asian flavors. So for meals like this I like to mix olive oil and lime juice (lemon juice or a combination of lemon and lime is also good), with a sprinkle of salt. I taste as I go, but equal parts oil and citrus seems about right. Forgive me for forgoing the sesame seeds -- a perfect garnish for this simple spinach salad -- I was in a hurry.

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