One of Margy's first cooking texts was a gift from her mom, Main Line Classics: A Cookbook from Historic Philadelphia Suburbs. It has served her well, providing recipes for what are now two of her own classics -- honey whole wheat bread and Italian spinach quiche.
I don't know that Gruyère and Dijon mustard are Italian, but this quiche rocks (and does contain Parmesan, ricotta, and Italian sausage).
Making it was good old-fashioned teamwork. I grated cheese, chopped onions, sliced mushrooms, and drained and squeezed frozen spinach while Margy browned the sausage and made the pastry. Once she stirred everything together and filled the pie pans (she made two quiches, so we could have frozen leftovers), the real work began: waiting, the hardest part.
Here's where I beg to differ with Main Line Classics. I've spent hours of my life waiting for this quiche to come out of the oven, whether Margy's making two at once or one at a time, and the 25 to 30 minutes of baking time the book advises is so far off that it's just a tease. As I type I am noting in the margin of the book "almost 1 hour!" Thank goodness the leftovers don't take that long.
Well, those on the Main Line tend to underestimate a bunch of things, I had no idea that this included quiche baking times until this moment.
Oh, you'll see!
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